Wyoming Association
of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police
One Pill Can Kill
Below you will find a Wyoming-branded One Pill Can Kill Campaign that can be used by your organizations and coalitions. This is just for you to use as you see fit until more campaign materials become available by the Wyoming Department of Health.
This is branded with WASCOP, WPAA, and WY We Talk.
There is also a special branding provided for by the Chance Miller Memorial Fund. Keely Miller, Chance's mother from Douglas, Wyoming, sits on our opioid/fentanyl committee and funded the branding of this project.
If you are in need of assistance with paying for the print materials attached, Keely has offered for the Chance Miller Memorial Fund to help pay for those print materials. You can reach her at ksmyeehaw@aol.com.
20220208-DEA_Social Media Drug Trafficking Threat Overview_LOGOS.pdf
Emoji Decoded_FO One Page_v2_LOGOS.pdf
Fentanyl 2022 Drug Fact Sheet_LOGOS.pdf
Methamphetamine 2022 Drug Fact Sheet_LOGOS.pdf