Wyoming Association
of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police
Association Projects
Alcohol and Tobacco Compliance Checks //
Alcohol Compliance Checks
WASCOP contracts with the Wyoming Department Health to conduct alcohol retailer education and compliance checks statewide. Compliance checks are a proven, best-practice strategy, for reducing the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21. WASCOP distributes grant funds to local law enforcement agencies to conduct compliance checks of alcohol retailers in their jurisdiction. These checks are conducted according to protocols established in W.S.S. 12-6-103. Data from the inspection is gathered and reported to the Wyoming Liquor Division and developed into an annual report published by WASCOP and the University of Wyoming Statistical Analysis Center.
Tobacco Compliance Checks
The Wyoming Department of Health, using Tobacco Settlement Funds, contracts with WASCOP to conduct Tobacco Compliance checks. Tobacco compliance checks are a best practice strategy for reducing the sale of tobacco to persons under 18 years of age. WASCOP uses these funds to provide grants to local law enforcement agencies to conduct these checks according protocols established in W.S.S.14-3-307. Data is gathered from these inspections and submitted to the University of Wyoming Statistical Analysis Center (WYSAC) that publishes an annual report.
Alcohol and Tobacco Compliance Check Tables - 2017
Alcohol Compliance Report - 2018
Final Alcohol Compliance Report - 2017
Final Alcohol Compliance Report - 2018
Final Alcohol Compliance Report - 2019
Tobacco Compliance Report - 2018
Final Tobacco Compliance Report - 2017
Final Tobacco Compliance Report - 2018
Final Tobacco Compliance Report - 2019
Get ID //
WASCOP produces and distributes ‘GET ID’ packets to alcohol retailers in the State of Wyoming through their local law enforcement agency. These packets contain materials for alcohol retailers to train and familiarize employees on Wyoming law related to the sale of alcoholic beverages and best practice business protocols for checking ID to reduce the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21.
Synar Inspections //
In accordance with 42 U.S.C. 300x-26, Wyoming is required to report information regarding the sale/distribution of tobacco products to individuals under age 18 as part of the Annual Synar Report. The Wyoming Department of Health, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Division is also required to make public the Annual Synar Report prior to submission to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (SAMHSA)/(CSAP). WYSAC, in cooperation with local law enforcement agencies, conducts these SYNAR inspections statewide and publishes the Annual Synar Report.
WASCOP facilitates the collaboration between WYSAC and local agencies to complete these checks in a timely and efficient manner.
TIPS Training //
WASCOP promotes Training in Intervention Procedure (TIPS) for alcohol retailers. Many Wyoming law enforcement agencies provide this training for free to retailers in their jurisdiction. This training is for retailers and their employees and trains them in detecting fake IDs, server practices and how to successfully handle intoxicated customers. These measures are intended to improve their business practices, business environment and improve profitability while at the same time reducing underage drinking and over-consumption of alcohol and the social problems associated with them.
Juvenile Detention Standards //
In 2010 the Wyoming Legislature passed legislation that required Wyoming Sheriffs to develop uniform detention standards for secure and non-secure facilities that house juveniles in the State of Wyoming. These standards are required to be specific to Wyoming State Statute and reported to the Joint Judiciary Interim Committee by November 15, 2012. WASCOP, on behalf of Wyoming Sheriffs, through our Detention Advisory Committee has undertaken the development of legal based standards to meet this legislative mandate. This standard will provide uniform standards and protocols that are in compliance with Wyoming law and will meet the needs of Wyoming communities.
During this time the Legislature also required Wyoming law enforcement officers to complete a juvenile detention risk assessment form for screening juveniles prior to making a detention decision. The purpose of this screening is to determine the most appropriate course of action with each juvenile in the custody of a law enforcement agency and help determine if the juvenile should be directed to secure detention, non-secure detention or released to alternative care. Furthermore, this assessment will provide for the county attorney’s involvement in the initial decision making process. WASCOP developed this form and protocols for use and reporting that has been in use statewide for two years. The Wyoming Department of Family Services takes receives this data and from it generates a report to the Wyoming State Legislature.
Wyoming Special Olympics //
WASCOP is a proud sponsor of Wyoming Special Olympics. Special Olympics Wyoming is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, providing year-round opportunities for sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Currently over 1,100 athletes and thousands of volunteers, family members and friends take part in the activities of Special Olympics Wyoming. Each year WASCOP is a main sponsor of the Law Enforcement Torch Run event.
WASCOP also facilitates messaging to Wyoming law enforcement agencies to promote Torch Run involvement. Funds raised by the
Torch Run event support Special Olympics Wyoming events such as the Summer and Winter Games.
D.A.R.E. //
WASCOP has provided past financial support to the Wyoming D.A.R.E. Officers Association for their annual D.A.R.E. officer training. This training held at the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy trains new D.A.R.E. officers for Wyoming law enforcement agencies to teach the D.A.R.E program in Wyoming’s elementary and middle schools. Wyoming D.A.R.E. Officers Association also hosts an annual conference for D.A.R.E. officers and School Resource Officers in Wyoming.